Tools for the design of heat transfer systems

This website is intended to be used as an online educational tool for the study of heat transfer and thermal problems. It can be used to calculate the heat transfer coefficient of several convection modes including single ant two-phase flows, to calculate frictional pressure drop, critical heat flux, flow pattern maps and to evaluate heat exchangers performance. For each parameter listed bellow, a page will be opened where reference models are presented and input forms are available to configure the calculation. The results are presented as numerical values or as graphical plots. Bellow are the links to the tools:

1. Heat transfer coefficient

2. Critical Heat Flux

3. Pressure drop

4. Two-phase flow pattern maps and void fraction models

5. Heat exchangers

1. Heat transfer coefficient

1.1 Single-phase

1.1.1 Forced convection Flate plate laminar flow Cylinder Sphere Internal flow in tubes (developed, turbulent)

1.1.2 Natural convection Flat plate (Vertical) Cylinder Sphere

1.2 Phase change

1.2.1 Flow boiling microchannels

1.2.2 Flow boiling in conventionnal channels

1.2.3 Pool boilng

1.2.4 Condensation in tube

2.Critical Heat Flux

2.1 Flow boiling

2.2 Pool boiling

3. Pressure drop

3.1 Single phase

3.2 Two–phase

3.2.1 Microchannels

3.2.2 Conventional channels

4.Two-phase flow pattern maps and void fraction models

4.1 Microchannels

4.2 Conventional channels (vertical)

4.3 Diabatic conventional channels (horizontal)

4.4 Void fraction models

5. Heat exchangers

5.1 UA - Overall heat transfer coefficient

5.1.1 Plane wall

5.1.2 Tube

5.2 LMTD method

5.2.1 LMTD - Sizing of heat exchangers

5.3 ε-NTU method

5.3.1 NTU-ε relations - Sizing of heat exchangers:

5.3.2 ε-NTU relations - Peformance of heat exchangers

Citation:In the case of using the results obtained here please cite the original paper in addition to the HTRG website reference bellow:
Heat Transfer Research Group (HTRG), 2014-2021. Tools for the design of heat transfer systems.

Heat Transfer Research Group - HTRG
University of Sao Paulo - USP