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Description: Two phase frictional pressure drop

Reference: Muller-Steinhagen, H. Heck. K. A simple friction pressure drop correlation for two phase flow in pipes Chem Eng. Proc. 20 297-308 1986


Insert saturation temperature (Tsat), mass velocity (G), vapor quality (x) and tube diameter (D) and press 'Calculate'.
Fluid: Tsat (K): p (Pa)*: G (kg/s/m2): x (-): D (m):
* pressure is used only for air-water flow.
Fluid properties:
rhol=1,191.95 kg/m3
rhov=36.29 kg/m3
mul=0.000185310 Pa.s
muv=0.000012141 Pa.s
Dimensionless numbers
Frictional pressure drop
(dp/dz)Muller_Heck_1986=5,944.63 Pa/m
(dp/dz)Tibirica_etal_2017=7,611.53 Pa/m

Heat Transfer Research Group - HTRG
University of Sao Paulo - USP