- Moreira, T.A., Colmanetti, A.R.A., Tibiriçá, C.B. Heat transfer coefficient: a review of measurement techniques. J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. 41: 264, 2019
- Briceno, R. P. A. ; Kanizawa, F. T. ; Ribatski, G. ; De Oliveira, L.P.R. . Validation of turbulence induced vibration design guidelines in a normal triangular tube bundle during two-phase crossflow. Journal Of Fluids And Structures, v. 76, p. 301-318, 2018.
- Kanizawa, F. T. ; Ribatski, G . Void fraction and pressure drop during external upward two-phase crossflow in tube bundles – part I: Experimental investigation. International Journal Of Heat And Fluid Flow, v. 65, p. 200-209, 2017.
- Kanizawa, f. t. ; Ribatski, G . Void fraction and pressure drop during external upward two-phase cross flow in tube bundles – part II: Predictive methods. International Journal Of Heat And Fluid Flow, v. 65, p. 210-219, 2017.
- Chavez, C. A. ; Leão, H.L.S.L. ; Ribatski, Gherhardt . Evaluation of thermal-hydraulic performance of hydrocarbon refrigerants during flow boiling in a microchannels array heat sink. Applied Thermal Engineering, v. 111, p. 703-717, 2017.
- Alvarez, R. P. ; Kanizawa, F. T. ; Ribatski, Gherhardt ; De Oliveira, L.P.R. . Updated results on hydrodynamic mass and damping estimations in tube bundles under two-phase crossflow. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, v. 89, p. 150-162, 2017.
- Sempertegui, D. ; Ribatski, G . Flow boiling heat transfer of R134a and low GWP refrigerants in a horizontal micro-scale channel. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, v. 108, p. 2417-2432, 2017.
- Ayub, Z. H. ; Ayub, A. H. ; Ribatski, G ; Moreira, T. ; Khan, T. S. . Two-phase pressure drop and flow boiling heat transfer in an enhanced dimpled tube with a solid round rod insert. International Journal of Refrigeration, v. 75, p. 1, 2017.
- Sempértegui-Tapia, Daniel Felipe ; Ribatski, Gherhardt . Two-phase frictional pressure drop in horizontal micro-scale channels: experimental data analysis and prediction method development. International Journal Of Refrigeration-Revue Internationale Du Froid, v. 79, p. 143-163, 2017.
- Rossato, M. ; Da Silva, J. D. ; Ribatski, G ; Del Col, D. . Heat transfer and pressure drop during condensation of low-GWP refrigerants inside bar-and-plate heat exchangers. International Journal Of Heat And Mass Transfer, v. 114, p. 363-379, 2017.
- Augusto Moreira, Tiago ; Júlio Do Nascimento, Francisco ; Ribatski, Gherhardt . An investigation of the effect of nanoparticle composition and dimension on the heat transfer coefficient during flow boiling of aqueous nanofluids in small diameter channels (1.1 mm). Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, v. 89, p. 72-89, 2017.
- Felipe Sempértegui-Tapia, Daniel ; Ribatski, Gherhardt . The effect of the cross-sectional geometry on saturated flow boiling heat transfer in horizontal micro-scale channels. Experimental Thermal And Fluid Science, v. 89, p. 98-109, 2017.
- Tibiriçá, C. B.; Rocha, D. M. ; Sueth Jr., I. L. S. ; Bochio, G. ; Shimizu, G. K. K. ; Barbosa, M. C. ; Ferreira, S. S. . A complete set of simple and optimized correlations for microchannel flow boiling and two-phase flow applications. Applied Thermal Engineering, v. 126, p. 774-795, 2017
- Kanizawa, F. T. ; Tibiriçá, C. B. ; Ribatski, G. . Heat transfer during convective boiling inside microchannels. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, v. 93, p. 566-583, 2016.
- Tibiriçá, C. B. ; Czelusniak, L. E. ; Ribatski, G. Critical heat flux in a 0.38mm microchannel and actions for suppression of flow boiling instabilities. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, p. 48-56, 2015.
- Tibiriçá, C. B.; Ribatski, G. Flow patterns and bubble departure fundamental characteristics during flow boiling in microscale channels. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, v. 59, p. 152-165, 2014.
- Tibiriçá, C. B.; Ribatski, G. Flow boiling in microscale channels – synthesized literature review. International Journal of Refrigeration, vol. 36 (2), pp.301.324, 2013.
- Tibiriçá, C.B.; Szczukiewicz, S.; Ribatski, G.; Thome, J.R. Critical heat flux of R134a and R245fa in a 2.2 mm circular tube. Heat Transfer Engineering, vol.34 (5-6), pp. 492-499, 2013.
- Tibiriçá, C.B.; Ribatski, G., Thome, J.R. Saturated flow boiling heat transfer and critical heat flux in small horizontal flattened tubes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 55 (25-26), pp. 7873-7883, 2012.
- Tibiriçá, C.B.; Ribatski, G.; Thome, J.R. Flow boiling characteristics for R1234ze in 1.0 and 2.2 mm circular channels. Journal of Heat Transfer- ASME, vol. 134, 1-8.,2012.
- Tibiriçá, C.B.; Ribatski, G. Two-phase frictional pressure drop and flow boiling heat transfer for R245fa in a 2.3mm tube. Heat Transfer Engineering, v. 32, n. 13-14, p. 1139-1149, 2011.
- Tibiriçá; C.B.; Ribatski, G. Flow boiling heat transfer of R134a and R245fa in a 2.3mm tube. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, v. 53, p. 2459-2468, 2010.
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