
  • New review paper:  Moreira, T.A., Colmanetti, A.R.A., Tibiriçá, C.B. Heat transfer coefficient: a review of measurement techniques. J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. 41: 264, 2019.
  • Certificate for Highly Cited Research in International Journal of Refrigeration Awarded december 2016 to C. Tibiriçá and G. Ribatski in recognition of the contribution to the quality of the journal made by the paper “Flow boiling in micro-scale channels-Synthesized literature review”.
  • Honorable mention” to Willian Ciletta for his  work entitled ” Theoretical model for the study of pulsating heat pipes” presented in the 23rd USP International Symposium of Undergraduate Research (SIICUSP), advised by prof. Cristiano Bigonha Tibiriçá, 2015.